How to Draw a Lilac Flower Step by Step

How to draw a lilac with a pencil, gouache, crumpled paper.


  • How to draw a lilac branch in pencil step by step for beginners?
  • Video: How to draw a lilac?
  • How to draw a branch of lilac gouache in stages for beginners?
  • How to draw a twig of lilac with watercolor?
  • Video: Drawing a watercolor of a lilac
  • How to draw a lilac in a vase?
  • Drawing lilac with crumpled paper
  • Video: Drawing with crumpled paper Lilac
  • Video: Drawing lilac with crumpled paper
  • Drawing lilac in kindergarten
  • Lilac - drawing for children
  • Video: Lilac. Easy drawing with babies 2-3 years

Drawing lilacs is not easy, but if you understand the structure of the inflorescence, then the task will become less complicated. To begin with, it's better to practice drawing small flowers, which together form a bright and fragrant ball.

If you can catch the peculiarity of the arrangement of small umbrellas, then you will be able to draw a more complex, as it seems at first glance, and a beautiful bunch.

From this article you will learn how to draw with a pencil a twig of lilac, lilac in a vase, and also how to depict a lilac inflorescence with paints.

How to draw a lilac branch in pencil step by step for beginners?

Let's start by studying the shape of the lilac inflorescence. To do this, it is sufficient to find a suitable visual material.

Lilac in a basket
Lilac painted in oil
Lilac in a vase
Pink lilac

If you cut a branch of lilac, put it in a glass of water, then you will have the opportunity to properly see each individual flower and practice drawing them.

In our case, the sample will be picturesque photos. We carefully consider them and start drawing. If you want to create your own picture, you can focus on the photos below and draw a favorite twig of lilac a little differently.

We will strive to depict this part of the inflorescence.

How to draw a lilac

We study the shape of a lilac flower:

  • Each flower reminds of a bell shape or a long cylindrical calyx that is divided into four petals at the top.
  • All the petals are on the same level, they have the same shape and size.

The petals can be:

  • with pointed edges
  • with rounded edges
  • with diamond-shaped edges

To make it easier to depict some flowers on the inflorescence, it is worth training to draw individual cups-flowers from different angles. Drawing each individual flower, you can easily go to the drawing of a more complex inflorescence.

How to draw individual flowers of a lilac

Draw a circle, inside we draw two intersecting lines. Orienting on them, we draw four petals with an empty square in the center. The rest of the flower is depicted, depending on the angle at which it is located.

How to shape the inflorescence of lilacs?

  • On a sheet of paper, distribute the slightly drawn ovals for one or more inflorescences. We point out the direction of the stem, on which we depict branchings with flowers.
  • Drawing will look more interesting if you depict heart-shaped leaves. At this stage it is necessary to immediately depict the original contours of the leaves: what are their sizes and in what direction they are located. We draw a central vein on each leaf.
How to draw an inflorescence

  • We begin to draw a large flowering branch. We remember how we painted flowers. We need to outline the contours of a large cluster and compose separate bells in it.
Draw a branch of a lilac
  • Enter the colors in the previously outlined general form. We represent small buds on the top of each branch.
Begin to draw the flowers
  • We have buds and flowers at different angles to show the volume of the blossoming panicle.
Adding pencil hatching

Features of the picture of lilac cluster:

  • The inflorescence consists of small flowers that are not drawn in detail. Instead of "counting" the four petals, just mark the flower, giving the recognizable shape to each particular element.
  • In this case, the bunch will look more natural. Stems are drawn branched. Each process ends with several blooming brooms.
  • We return to our drawing with several branches. We start to inscribe small flowers in the contours of the inflorescences. Add streaks on the leaves, detail the stalk.
  • At this stage, you can consider the work done. But you can go further and decorate it.
  • We give the colors of the drawn bunch the shape of a cone or ball. We show the monochrome volume of the inflorescences. We will draw the details later.
How to decorate a bunch of lilacs
  • Add shadows in the depths of foliage, denoting shaded areas between flowers. In some parts of the bunch we show gleams.
  • How to draw the finishing touches and create a wonderful drawing - see in the video tutorial.

Video: How to draw a lilac?

If you are trained to draw individual flowers, then you can safely proceed to the next stage - a picture of a cluster of lilacs. Let's draw a picture in 5 stages:

  • draw two cones-inflorescences
Draw two inflorescences
  • fill small cones with small ovals, marking with auxiliary lines future florets on inflorescence
  • we will draw a stalk and leaves
Begin to fill cones with flowers
  • we inscribe in each oval four petals, showing the coreof each flower
  • on the top of the cone draw out the extended buds
Draw the veins on the leaves
  • draw the veins on each leaf
  • add shadows and give the volume to some lIt is possible to draw the additional line
  • in parallel with the already drawn contour until the picture appears complete
Complement the hatching

The lilac can be drawn with a simple pencil in another way:

  • Draw three lines from one point at the bottom of the sheet. On both sides of the midline we will conduct semi-ovals. It will be an inflorescence.
Drawing three lines and the inflorescence of
  • We begin to draw individual flowers inside the inflorescence.
Begin to draw individual flowers inside the inflorescence
  • We continue to fill the space with flowers and buds. Do not forget that at the top of the inflorescence are stretched buds. Show them, denoting a long tail, with which the flower holds on to the stem.
We continue to draw flowers
  • Some flowers are located outside the painted early contour of the inflorescence.
After reaching the tip of the inflorescence, add extended buds
  • We finish the leaves, an elegant stem.
  • We show the core of some flowers. Remove all unnecessary pencil lines.
Painting leaves and cores
This is what should turn out
  • We paint: the leaves are bright green, and the inflorescence - pink or purple.
    We paint

If you coped easily with the previous figure, you can draw a more realistic lilac branch:

  • Let's start with the drawing of the original contours. We give them the shape of a cone. Draw inside the center line and two transverse. Thus, we have obtained several sections, each of which begins to fill with small flowers.
Drawing the original contours of
  • Drawing branches and small leaves, gradually moving from the upper sections to the lower ones.
Begin to draw flowers on the top of the inflorescence
  • Some flowers are represented in the form of asterisks: they are so tiny that their shape can not be seen. Others draw in more detail, showing a core or a long tail that connects to a branch.
Gradually fill all sections with the flowers
Draw the leaves
Apply the pencil hatching
  • At the very bottom, draw the heart-leaves with streaks.

How to draw a branch of lilac gouache in stages for beginners?

Draw a branch of lilac gouache:

  • Let's draw a lilac elongated oval on the sheet.
Draw an elongated oval with purple paint
  • Draw a dark flower with four petals on the contour. We collect on the brush at the same time two colors: blue and violet. Apply the brush to the edge of the petal and move to the center. This technique was called the "Chinese smear".
We start to draw the flowers on the contour
  • We should have rounded beautiful edges of the petals. In some places we draw florets in the form of asterisks: we collect two colors on the brush, apply it to the center and move it to the side.
  • Closer to the center, the color becomes lighter, because this part of the inflorescence is well lit.
Closer to the center of the flower lighter
  • We collect a little white paint on the brush and go through some flowers.
Add brightness to the flowers with white paint or more vivid shades of purple
  • Draw the leaves and streaks in green. We add a little yellow paint to the foliage.
Drawing leaves

But a simple, but effective method, with which you can draw a lush twig of a lilac:

  • First, we determine how much space on the sheet will be a bunch of lilacs and sketch the initial outline of the inflorescence. Remember that the pencil sketch is executed without a strong pressure on the lead.
  • If you ignore this rule, even erased lines will leave a deep mark on the paper and will be visible through the paint layer. Such work, even done correctly, will look messy.
  • We use for drawing a wet sponge: dipping it into a mixture of violet, white and blue colors, create the volume of the bunch. Increasing the amount of white paint, we pass along the upper part of the inflorescence.
  • After that, take the brush, type two different intensities of violet color and start drawing flowers with four petals each.
  • The middle part on the inflorescence is filled with flowers of a lighter shade, as they are under illumination. We finish the foliage and the stem.
  • Now you can paint the background with the same sponge. Mix several colors on the palette to make the background look more "alive".
How to draw a branch of lilac gouache?

How to draw a twig of lilac with watercolor?

For drawing you will need:

  • clean sheet of watercolor paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • watercolor paints
  • painting tape( for fixing paper)

Drawing without pressure on a pencil a sketch of a cluster of lilacs.

  • On the palette we mix in different proportions the violet paint with blue and pink. We collect water on a brush and draw spots of different shapes, inscribing them into the borders of a pencil sketch.
Draw a sketch of lilac
  • Adding a purple paint, give a more saturated shade of some spots, which then "turn" into flowers.
Prepare the background with spots of violet and blue colors, well diluted with water
Add saturation
  • Carefully draw a branch on the outline with green paint, and then fill the entire space with a saturated green color, leaving the transparent areas in the most lighted places.
Begin to draw a twig with green paint
  • Draw the contours of the petals. For this we need a darker shade of violet paint. The middle of a flower is a background drawn earlier.
Drawing the contours of the petals
  • in dark color. We continue to draw petals. Add shadows and saturation to the petals.
Add brightness to petals
Ready drawing

Video: Drawing with watercolor lilac

How to draw a lilac in a vase?

From this step-by-step lesson you will learn how to draw a lilac in a vase in the style of impressionism.

  • The picture is not complex, but you need to be very careful to make the result a realistic form.
  • Draw rounded tops of cones, which then will be lush bunches of lilac. Draw a vase in the bottom half of the sheet. The curved line denotes the edges of the table.
  • Next, we arm ourselves with colors and fill out the sketch of an early sketch of a bouquet with lilac paint of different saturation, add white spots and dark violet.
  • Draw also the leaves in a circle.
  • To cope with the next step, you need to practice on a separate sheet of paper to paint the lilac flowers with a yellow core inside. After that, we begin to apply cross-like strokes-petals on lilac and violet cones.
  • Chaotically paint the vase in blue and draw a few dashed lines of the falling shadow on the table. Let's draw a glare on the vase from the window. This method will make the drawing more alive.
Drawing the outlines of a lush bouquet
Applying paint stains
How to draw individual flowers
Ready drawing

Drawing lilacs with crumpled paper

Lilac can be painted with crumpled paper.

  • To do this, draw twigs dark gouache or pastel.
  • Add heart-shaped leaves. And only after that we take small crumpled pieces of paper and draw( imprint) flowers.
  • We dip crumpled paper at once in several different colors( blue, red, white) and leave prints next to the painted early twigs.
We print paper lump with paint on paper
  • We mix the paints directly on the work surface, so as a result we get a magnificent multicolored bunch of lilacs.
Drawing inflorescences with crumpled paper

Drawing sprigs and leaves

Video: Drawing with crumpled paper Lilac

Other drawings of lilac with crumpled paper:

Drawings of lilacs from kindergarten pupils

From the video you will learn how to draw a lilac with crumpled paper.

Video: Drawing a lilac with crumpled paper

Drawing a lilac in a kindergarten

In a kindergarten, you can invite kids to draw lilacs with cotton buds.

For work you will need:

  • clean sheet of paper
  • gouache blue, red and white
  • cotton buds

We explain to children how to mix paints correctly. Prepare a mixture of red, blue and white colors( in the end, you should get a purple paint).

Next, the cotton bud is dipped in paint and printed on a sheet of paper. Repeat until the bunch of lilacs become lush. With green paint draw the leaves with the same cotton buds. The vase is made in the same way with yellow paint.

Drawing of lilac with cotton buds
Gradually the picture takes the form of a fluffy inflorescence
We paint the vase

Lilac - a picture for children

Drawing of a lilac for children
Drawing of a lilac for children

Video: Lilac. Simple drawing with babies 2-3 years

How to Draw a Lilac Flower Step by Step


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